THE HERDS is the vast coming together of culture and climate, to spark a new kind of climate action.
Donations of all kinds make a difference to our work. You can support us today to help us bring this hugely ambitious project to life. Donations can be made directly to our UK registered charity Walk To The Horizon, or through our partners Chapel & York and givestar.
If you are based in the US, you can make a tax-efficient donation for THE HERDS through our partners at the Chapel & York US Foundation. We are proud to have won The Chapel & York International Fundraising Awards 2024 award in the Arts & Culture category for our fundraising campaign for our project “Little Amal”.
CLICK HERE to donate through Chapel & York online
CLICK HERE to donate through Chapel & York via a wire transfer, stocks and shares and by check. The fund holder name is our registered UK charity, Walk To The Horizon.
CLICK HERE to discuss your donation with our United States outreach officer, Amy Slaughter.
If you are making a donation from the UK, you can donate through our UK partner givestar, or you can make a transfer directly to our UK charity, Walk To The Horizon.
CLICK HERE to donate through givestar
CLICK HERE to discuss your UK donation with our Development Director, Hanaa Skalli.
THE HERDS is brought to life with generous support from individual supporters including: James Armstrong, the Hacking Family, Cheryl Henson, Danielle Lambert, Alexander Leff, Valerie Dillon & Daniel Lewis, Melony & Adam Lewis, Patrick McKenna and Paul Zuckerman.